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Animation Library > Jobs and People > Actors and Directors

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Actors and Directors

This category contains 36 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.

Actor bows

Actor bows

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Description:Animated image of a blond haired man wearing jeans and a gray long sleeved shirt taking a bow.
Rating: 2.35 / 5
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Actor jumps

Actor jumps

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A girl in a skirt jumping up and down.
Rating: 2.69 / 5
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Actor smiles

Actor smiles

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Description:Animated image of a man with large white teeth moving left to right holding a photograph of himself.
Rating: 2.28 / 5
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Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:An actress holding a mask, as both are smiling and frowning.
Rating: 2.19 / 5
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Actress 2

Actress 2

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Description:A woman with red hair smiling.
Rating: 2.74 / 5
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Actress 3

Actress 3

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Description:A blonde girl sends you a wink.
Rating: 2.90 / 5
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Angry director

Angry director

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:Ogre-like man with a rolled newspaper in one hand.
Rating: 2.46 / 5
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Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:Cartoon Arnold with sunglasses saying, "I'll be back."
Rating: 2.96 / 5
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Click to view Actor bows
Animated image of a blond haired man wearing jeans and a gray long sleeved shirt taking a bow.

Click to view Actor jumps
A girl in a skirt jumping up and down.

Click to view Angry director
Ogre-like man with a rolled newspaper in one hand.