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Animation Library > Geography and History > American History

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American History

This category contains 24 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.



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Description:A typical quaker arresting a man dressed in blue.
Rating: 2.53 / 5
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Bird with flag

Bird with flag

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Description:An animated picture of a bird holding the Confederate flag and playing a bugle.
Rating: 2.71 / 5
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Description:a man in white carrying a revolver
Rating: 2.65 / 5
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Colonel 2

Colonel 2

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Description: A colonel pulls out his gun from his back pocket with ease.
Rating: 2.62 / 5
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Constitution signed

Constitution signed

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Description: A constitution is signed with the usage of a old fashioned feather ink pen.
Rating: 2.36 / 5
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Historical evolution

Historical evolution

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Description:A scene showing development and evolution.
Rating: 2.24 / 5
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Lady liberty

Lady liberty

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Description:A woman in traditional dress with a flag
Rating: 2.59 / 5
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Liberty bell

Liberty bell

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Description:The Liberty Bell
Rating: 2.37 / 5
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Click to view Arrest
A typical quaker arresting a man dressed in blue.

Click to view Bird with flag
An animated picture of a bird holding the Confederate flag and playing a bugle.

Click to view Constitution signed
A constitution is signed with the usage of a old fashioned feather ink pen.