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Animation Library > Animals > Primates and Monkeys

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Primates and Monkeys

This category contains 66 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.

3 monkeys

3 monkeys

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Description:Three monkeys: hear, see, speak no evil.
Rating: 3.23 / 5
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Ape dude

Ape dude

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Description:A monkey wearing flower pants, beach clothes, and sunglasses, and dancing.
Rating: 2.50 / 5
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Ape love

Ape love

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Description:Animated image of an ape who has hearts appear next to him.
Rating: 3.05 / 5
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Ape signs

Ape signs

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Description:Animated image of an orange ape waving its hands and stomping its foot.
Rating: 2.10 / 5
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Ape walks

Ape walks

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Description:Animated image of a walking ape.
Rating: 2.71 / 5
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Ape with baloon

Ape with baloon

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Description:A picture of an ape popping a blue balloon.
Rating: 2.88 / 5
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Baby ape

Baby ape

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Description:A baby monkey holding something over his head.
Rating: 4.41 / 5
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Banana love

Banana love

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Description:A series of pictures showing a monkey driving a banana home, hugging it, then peeling it.
Rating: 3.02 / 5
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Click to view Ape dude
A monkey wearing flower pants, beach clothes, and sunglasses, and dancing.

Click to view Ape signs
Animated image of an orange ape waving its hands and stomping its foot.

Click to view Baby ape
A baby monkey holding something over his head.