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Animation Library > Religious > Priests and Ministers

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Priests and Ministers

This category contains 23 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.



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Description:A priest or preacher in a robe, holding a baby.
Rating: 2.63 / 5
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Baptising 2

Baptising 2

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Description:An animated picture of a baby splashing in the baptism water.
Rating: 2.89 / 5
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Description:Vintage bishop rotating his head.
Rating: 2.62 / 5
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Bishop 2

Bishop 2

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Description:An old Bishoop walking on.
Rating: 2.83 / 5
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Church choir

Church choir

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Description: During a church choir, a minister is dancing along with the music while viewing the song book.
Rating: 2.27 / 5
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Church choir 2

Church choir 2

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Description: A minister at a church choir.
Rating: 2.53 / 5
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Church choir 3

Church choir 3

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Description: At a church choir, a lady gets enthusiastic.
Rating: 2.35 / 5
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Church choir 4

Church choir 4

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Description: A choir at a church focuses on a religious lady standing up and keeping a repetitive stance going side to side.
Rating: 2.97 / 5
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Click to view Bishop
Vintage bishop rotating his head.

Click to view Church choir 3
At a church choir, a lady gets enthusiastic.

Click to view Church choir 4
A choir at a church focuses on a religious lady standing up and keeping a repetitive stance going side to side.