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Animation Library > Jobs and People > Teachers

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This category contains 16 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.

Bird teacher

Bird teacher

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:Old fashioned teacher wearing long dress and pink hat.
Rating: 2.65 / 5
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Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:An animated picture of a green chalkboard with several letters trying to arrange themselves.
Rating: 2.69 / 5
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Geography teacher

Geography teacher

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A teacher with a globe in her hand teaching geography.
Rating: 2.39 / 5
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Math teacher

Math teacher

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A teacher teaching mathematics.
Rating: 3.16 / 5
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Moose teaches

Moose teaches

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A moose teaching in a school.
Rating: 2.55 / 5
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Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:An old man in a green robe and oversized miterboard with clashing red tie.
Rating: 3.30 / 5
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Professor 2

Professor 2

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A man stands at a lecturn and seems to be confused about his own notes.
Rating: 2.68 / 5
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Professor 3

Professor 3

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A professor stands in front of a chalkboard where "Check it out" is written on it
Rating: 2.83 / 5
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Click to view Bird teacher
Old fashioned teacher wearing long dress and pink hat.

Click to view Geography teacher
A teacher with a globe in her hand teaching geography.

Click to view Moose teaches
A moose teaching in a school.